
Returned Customers for Usahealthstore


All Pharmacies associated are licensed to distribute in the states, you can be 100% sure to receive the same quality medication that you get from your local drug store. All the pharmacists and doctors are US licensed. Upon receiving a valid prescription of the product you have bought. The Doctor will review it according to the form of health condition you have completed.

Once the doctors approve your prescription, our US licensed pharmacies will fill a prescription for a medication that is FDA approved. To assure confidentiality and privacy our US licensed Pharmacy will fill and ship your prescription in a discreet package. All the pharmacies are us licensed and never sell controlled substances. We will send you order ID and tracking ID together within two business days after you placed your orders.

But everything is beyond our control after I sent you order ID and tracking ID. Please ignore any call from call centers because we never call customers to refill orders.

Usahealthstore.com does not dispense nor prescribe medications directly. The US licensed doctors and the pharmacists who has the final authorization to approve or deny prescription requests. We can submit your orders manually into our upstream warehouse portal, the warehouse has several doctors and pharmacies to work with.

After the doctors’ approval, the warehouse will dispatch your orders to different pharmacies. Normally, The pharmacies can ship your orders the same day after the physicians review your order. But sometimes, the order will be shipped the following business day. Please follow the max dosage limitation, The warehouses may also share the same database and they may not refill the orders for you if your order is within the refill day limitation.


What We Can do ?

  • find you a good warehouse to ship your order;
  • send your order to the warehouses send you tracking ID after two business days send your order problems to warehouses.
  • US licensed doctors are hired by warehouses.
  • US licensed pharmacists;
  • US licensed pharmacies;
  • FDA approval prescriptions
  • Not Storing your data online